
Showing posts from January, 2017

Disneyland; the happiest place on earth

There are some people who LOVE Disney and Disneyland. There are some people who don't and think they are some kind of brain washing corrupted money hungry mongrels. But I am one of those people who LOVE Disney. I have been there about 15 times since in got my annual pass in June.  Crazy right? Maybe. But to me, Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth. I mean how beautiful is this? No really. Disneyland is my happy place because as soon as I step foot onto their property I totally forget everything besides what's going on in that moment. I forget my worries, anxieties, insecurities.  Setting aside the overpriced food, screaming children and long lines, the magic of Walt Disney has gotten to me and everything he believed and felt strongly about is now embedded in me.


My name is Valerie and I'm a gamer, fashion, and lifestyle Youtuber.  I LOVE filming and editing videos and I want to share my passion with you.  My main focus is gaming inspired outfits for the inner gamer or fashionista, this is a way for you to be able to dress like your favorite character without having to put on a whole elaborate costume. I also want to create videos to inspire, motivate, and just make people happy.  I struggle with depression and social anxiety and want to help people who believe that life will never get better that they should follow their dreams and life will become better. I hope you can help me follow my dreams and join the community I am trying to create.  Much love and support, YourSharkFriend, Valerie :)